Thursday, September 25, 2008


Along with the Herald's Blog, the Heralds from Miami will be posting little thoughts with certain frequency, based on homilies and formational meetings given by our founder and superior general, Monsignor João Cla, so we can walk the path of daily life with our sights always on celestial things.

Ut mentes nostras ad caelestia desideria erigas!

Te rogamus, audi nos!


We tend to think many times that to reach God we have to make an extraordinary effort, forcing ourselves to reach Him.

We forget that anything good that comes out of us is a result of a grace, because without grace we are not capable of doing not even so much as the Sign of the Cross with devotion.

So the thing is to make an effort to have graces? No.

It is simply not putting obstacles to grace, because even being faithful to a grace is a grace and it is only a matter of not hindering it.

And the best way of doing this is to let yourself be taken by splendor. Admiration of a superior thing because it is superior, St. Thomas says, is like being baptized again, it wipes sins away.

Admire, seek celestial things and even in the prosaic day to day life, always keep your sights high.

Ad te levavi oculos meos...

Video of Mons. João Cla

Tambien en español

Anche in italiano

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel is appointed Papal Canon of the Basilica of St. Mary Major

Rome, September 14, 2008
(Heralds of the Gospel) This morning, Monsignor João Scognamiliglio Clá Dias E.P., founder and general president of the Heralds of the Gospel, an international association of faithful of pontifical right was incorporated into the Liberian Chapter of the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major.
Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias E.P. was created an honorary canon of the Papal Basilica , by a bull of Pope Benedict XVI, being received by the Chapter, presided over by the Archpriest, Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, in a solemn ceremony held at 9:00 in the Chapter Chapel. After,the Holy Eucharist was celebrated, in the papal altar, presided over by Cardinal Law and concelebrated by Monsignor João Cla, members of the Liberian chapter and numerous priests. The faithful filled up completely the grandiose Basilica, to attend the Eucharistic celebration.
The Liberian Chapter's origin dates back to the twelfth century, having currently 31 canons, of which 7 are honorary. Being a Papal Basilica, the members of the Chapter are created by the Supreme Pontiff, so conferred with the dignity of Apostolic Protonotary Supernumerary.
St. Mary Major is one of four basilicas papal along with St. Peter, St. John Lateran and St. Paul's outside-the-walls. The construction began around the year 360, at the initiative of Pope Liberius, but who gave the decisive impetus was Pope Sixtus III, in the V century, shortly after having affirmed the doctrine of the Divine Motherhood of the Holy Virgin, at the Council of Ephesus.
In this historic and beautiful basilica, there are in exposition for public veneration some of the most venerable relics of Christianity: the Relics of the Manger, where baby Jesus was born.
One of the interesting features of this basilica is to have the highest bell tower of Rome, with about 75 meters.

Fundador de los Heraldos del Evangelio es nombrado canónigo de la Basílica Papal de Santa María la Mayor

ROMA, 14 de septiembre de 2008 (Heraldos del Evangelio).- Hoy en la mañana, Monseñor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP, fundador y presidente general de los Heraldos del Evangelio, asociación internacional de fieles de derecho pontificio, fue incorporado al Cabildo Liberiano de la Basílica Papal Santa María la Mayor.

Mons. João Clá Dias, EP, fue creado canónigo honorario de dicha Basílica Papal, por Bula del Papa Benedicto XVI, siendo recibido por el Cabildo, presidido éste por el arcipreste, el Cardenal Francis Bernard Law, en una solemne ceremonia realizada a las 9:00 en la Capilla Sforza. Posteriormente fue celebrada la Eucaristía, en el altar papal, presidida por el Cardenal Law y concelebrada por Monseñor João Clá, por los miembros del Cablido Liberiano y numerosos sacerdotes. Los fieles llenaron completamente la grandiosa Basílica, para asistir a la celebración eucarística.

El origen del Cabildo Liberiano se remonta al siglo XII, contando actualmente con 31 canónigos, de los cuales 7 son honorarios. Por tratarse de una Basílica Papal, los miembros del Cabildo son creados por el Sumo Ponífice, siéndoles conferida la dignidad de Protonotarios Apostólicos supernumerarios.

Santa María la Mayor es una de la cuatro basílicas papales, junto con San Pedro, San Juan de Letrán y San Pablo Extramuros. La construcción se inició hacia el año 360, por iniciativa del Papa Liberio, pero quien le dio el impulso decisivo fue el Papa Sixto III, en el siglo V, poco después de haberse afirmado el dogma de la Maternidad Divina de la Santísima Virgen, en el Concilio de Éfeso.

En esta histórica y bellísima basílica, se encuenran expuestas a la veneración pública algunas de las más venerables reliquias de la Cristiandad: las maderas del Pesebre, en donde nació el Niño Jesús.

Una de las interesantes características de esta basílica es la de contar con el campanario más alto de Roma, con cerca de 75 metros.